• Article 1 (Purpose)

    These Guidelines are designed to provide for specific principles and procedures to be observed with regard to the composition and operation of the Board of Directors of Hana Financial Group (hereinafter referred to as "Company"), installation of committees under the Board of Directors, required competencies of officers, evaluation of the performance of officers, and matters related to the succession of members of management, including the eligibility of the chief executive officer, etc. in order to protect the interests of the shareholders and financial consumers of the Company.

    Article 2 (Principle of Governance Structure)

    • The Company shall provide financial services that promote the mutual growth and happiness of customers, shareholders, employees, and society in general and strive to increase managerial stability by establishing a healthy and transparent corporate governance structure, thereby contributing to the long-term growth and development of the nation's financial industry.
    • The Company shall consistently strive to ensure the professional and independent operation of the Board of Directors, orderly succession of members of management, and efficient communication with shareholders and investors.

    Article 3 (Public Notice)

    • In accordance with Article 14, Paragraph 3, Subparagraph 1 of the Act on the Corporate Governance of Financial Companies (hereinafter referred to as "Corporate Governance Act"), in the event the Company enacts or amends these Guidelines, it shall post a public notice thereof on the Company website, etc. within seven (7) business days from the date of such enactment or amendment.
    • In accordance with Article 14, Paragraph 3, Subparagraph 2 of the Corporate Governance Act, the Company shall post the annual results of the operation of the Board of Directors, etc., under these Guidelines, on the Company website, etc. no later than twenty (20) days prior to the date of the ordinary general meeting of shareholders the following year.

    Article 4 (Enactment and Amendment, etc.)

    These Guidelines shall be enacted and amended by the resolution of the Board of Directors. However, this provision shall not apply to cases involving compliance with relevant laws, changes made in accordance with resolutions of the general meeting of shareholders or meeting of the Board of Directors, modifications to these Guidelines not involving any major changes to their content, or amendments made as a result of reorganization.