ESG Mid to Long-term Strategy

Hana Financial Group has established a mid to long-term strategy for ESG in order to accelerate its ESG management. In order to accelerate management based on ESG (environment, society, governance), Hana Financial Group has established a mid to long-term strategy for ESG that is in line with the changes in the international financial order. The Group aims to achieve nine key tasks in order to promote the implementation of a low-carbon economic system, contribute to society through finance, and make decisions based on transparency and responsible management.

Strategy system diagram

  • Vision


  • Goal

    • Goal 12030 & 60

      • KRW
        25 trillion


      • KRW
        25 trillion


      • KRW
        10 trillion


      By 2030, KRW 60 trillion in lending,
      investment, and funding is to be provided
      to green and sustainable industries

    • Goal 2ZERO & ZERO

      • Workplaces 63,579*tCO₂eq
      • Coal PF448.8**KRW billion

      By 2050, zero carbon emissions is to be
      achieved on business sites and zero project
      financing provided for the coal industry

  • Strategy

    • Environmental

      Promotion of the implementation
      a low-carbon environmental

    • Social

      Social contribution
      through finance

    • Governance

      Decision-making based on
      transparency and corporate

Key tasks and Implementation status


Key tasks

Implementation status

SDGs Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), an agenda that the UN General Assembly has resolved to achieve by 2030

Promotion of the implementation of a low-carbon environmental system
  1. 1Limit coal P/F according to the coal phase-out declaration
    • Reduce the balance of coal project financing to 0 by 2050
    affordable and clean energyclimate action
  2. 2Increase ESG bond issuance
    • Achieve KRW 25 trillion in ESG bond issuance by 2030
    affordable and clean energyclimate action
  3. 3Expand green finance and ESG theme finance
    • Achieve KRW 35 trillion in green finance, ESG finance support, and investment by 2030
    affordable and clean energyclimate action
Decision-making based on transparency and responsible management
  1. 7Increase transparency of non-financial information (climate finance) disclosure
    • Declared official support for the TCFD in 2021 and published annual implementation reports
    • Published a separate SASB report in 2022 for the first time in the financial sector
    • Joined the Net Zero Banking Alliance in 2022
    • Joined Task Force on Nature-related Financial Disclosures in 2023
    affordable and clean energyclimate actionpartnerships for the goals
  2. 8Establish a dedicated organization for sustainable management (including ESG)
    • Established and operated the Sustainability Management Committee within the board of directors in 2021
    • Sustainable Management Promotion Committee begins operation
    peace, justice and strong institutions
  3. 9Establish an environmental and social risk management system (ESRM)
    • Joined the Equator Principles in 2021
    • Establish internal regulations for banks with ESG restrictions/sensitive sectors
    • ESG finance handling standards established
    • ESG finance review system established
    affordable and clean energyclimate action