Executive Director

  • Young-joo Ham


    • CEO, Hana Financial Group (March 25, 2022 ~ Present)
    • Former, CEO, Hana Bank

    Date of appointment : March 25, 2022

  • Seung-lyul Lee

    이승열 사내이사 사진
    • CEO, Hana Bank & Vice Chairman, Hana Financial Group
    • Former, CEO, Hana Life
    • Former, Deputy President, Chief Financial Officer, Hana Financial Group

    Date of appointment : March 22, 2024

  • Seong-muk Kang

    사내이사 강성묵 사진
    • CEO, Hana Securities & Vice Chairman, Hana Financial Group
    • Former, CEO, Hana Alternative Asset Management
    • Former, Vice President, Retail Division, Hana UBS Asset Management

    Date of appointment : March 22, 2024

Independent Director

  • Jung-won Lee

    Chairman of BoD

    • Former, CEO, Shinhan Data System
    • Former, Vice President, Credit Analysis & Assessment Group, Shinhan Bank
    • Former, Independent Director, Hana Bank

    Date of appointment : March 22, 2019

  • Dong-moon Park

    • Former, CEO, Kolon Industries
    • Former, CEO, Kolon Glotech
    • Former, CEO, Kolon Inet

    Date of appointment : March 26, 2021

  • Kang-won Lee

    • Managing Partner, Dadam LLC.
    • Former, Chief Judge, Busan High Court
    • Former, Presiding Judge, Seoul High Court

    Date of appointment : March 25, 2022

  • Sook-yeon Won

    원숙연 사외이사 사진
    • Professor, Public Administration, Ewha Womans University
    • Member, Equal Opportunity Policy Committee, Supreme Prosecutors’ Office
    • Member, Financial Management Strategy, Ministry of Economy and Finance

    Date of appointment : March 24, 2023

  • June-suh Yi

    이준서 사외이사 사진
    • Professor, Finance Faculty, Dongguk Business School
    • Former, member, Special Committee on Investment Policy, National Pension Fund Management Committee
    • Former, Member, Securities and Futures Commission, Financial Services Commission

    Date of appointment : March 24, 2023

  • Yung-sup Joo

    사외이사 주영섭 사진
    • Former, 25th Commissioner, Korea Customs Service
    • Former, Head of Tax and Customs Office, Ministry of Economy and Finance
    • Former, Director of Tax Policy Bureau, Tax and Customs Office, Ministry of Economy and Finance

    Date of appointment : March 22, 2024

  • Jae-sool Lee

    사외이사 이재술 사진
    • Former, Managing Director, Deloitte Anjin Accounting Corporation
    • Former, Member, Public Funds Management Committee, Financial Services Commission
    • Former, Managing Auditor, Boryung Co., Ltd.

    Date of appointment : March 22, 2024

  • Shim Yoon

    사외이사 윤심 사진
    • Former, CEO, Miracom Inc.
    • Former, Vice President, Samsung SDS (Cloud Business and Research Institute)
    • Former, Senior Executive Vice President, Samsung SDS (Research Institute)

    Date of appointment : March 22, 2024

  • Jae-min Lee

    사외이사 이재민 사진
    • Professor, Seoul National University School of Law
    • Former, President, Korean Society of International Economic Law
    • Former, Professor and Director, Seoul National University Asia-Pacific Law Institute

    Date of appointment : March 22, 2024

Committees inside BoD

  • Committee Chairman
  • Committee Member
Committees inside BoD
Category Committee Board of Directors Steering Committee of BOD Audit Committee Risk Management Committee Management Development and Compensation Committee Independent Director and Auditor Nomination Committee Group CEO Nomination Committee Group Executive Nomination Committee Sustainable Management Committee Consumer Risk Management Committee
Independent Director
Jung-won Lee
Dong-moon Park
Kang-won Lee
Sook-yeon Won *
June-suh Yi
Yung-sup Joo
Jae-sool Lee
Shim Yoon *
Jae-min Lee
Executive Director
Young-joo Ham
Seung-lyul Lee
Seong-muk Kang

* Female independent Director

Board of Directors

  • Chairman : Jung-won Lee
  • Members : Dong-moon Park,Kang-won Lee,Sook-yeon Won,June-suh Yi,Yung-sup Joo,Jae-sool Lee,Shim Yoon,Jae-min Lee,Young-joo Ham,Seung-lyul Lee,Seong-muk Kang

Steering Committee of BOD

  • Chairman : Jung-won Lee
  • Members : Kang-won Lee,Sook-yeon Won,June-suh Yi,Young-joo Ham
  • Resolve to matters regarding the realization of reasonable corporate governance, matters regarding effective operation of the Board of Directors and the committees within the Board of Directors, and matters authorized by the Board of Directors

Audit Committee

  • Chairman : Sook-yeon Won
  • Members : Jung-won Lee,Jae-sool Lee,Jae-min Lee
  • To carry out the following tasks related with accounting and operational audit
  • To establish and implement a financial audit and an operational audit, and other internal audit plans, to evaluate the outcome, to follow up, and to make recommendations for improvement
  • To assess the internal control system and internal accounting management system, and suggest measures for improvement
  • To appoint an external auditor
  • To evaluate the audit activities of external auditors
  • To provide consent to the appointment/ dismissal of officers and department heads who are in charge of audits
  • To follow up on the outcome of an audit
  • To process work prescribed under related laws and regulations as well as those entrusted by the Board of Directors
  • To audit elements deemed necessary by the Board of Directors or other Committees

Risk Management Committee

  • Chairman : Kang-won Lee
  • Members : Dong-moon Park,June-suh Yi,Yung-sup Joo,Shim Yoon
  • Determine and apporve the policies and fundamental practices for dealing with the various types of risks that may occur in the course of business activities, and to control the overall management with respect there of

Management Development and Compensation Committee

  • Chairman : June-suh Yi
  • Members : Dong-moon Park,Yung-sup Joo
  • Resolve to matters regarding the formulation of a plan to improve the performance of the Company and the performance evaluation or compensation of and deliverate on the candidates for executive officers of Holding Company and the Affiliated Companies

Independent Director and Auditor Nomination Committee

  • Chairman : Jung-won Lee
  • Members : Yung-sup Joo,Jae-sool Lee,Shim Yoon,Jae-min Lee
  • Perform the functions of searching, evaluating, and nominating candidates for independent
  • directors whose qualifications fit the Company's strategic goals and select and nominate candidates for membership in the Audit Committee at the General Shareholders' Meeting

Group CEO Nomination Committee

  • Chairman :
  • Members : Jung-won Lee,Dong-moon Park,Kang-won Lee,Sook-yeon Won,June-suh Yi,Yung-sup Joo,Jae-sool Lee,Shim Yoon,Jae-min Lee
  • The Group CEO Nomination Committee shall establish the criteria by which candidates are such candidates who possess the eligibility and capacity prescribed under related laws and selected for the positions of chairman and chief executive officer; consider, nominate, and select internal regulations; and approve the management succession plan every year in order to ensure the continuity of the company and the stability of its management succession

Group Executive Nomination Committee

  • Chairman : Dong-moon Park
  • Members : Jung-won Lee,Sook-yeon Won,Young-joo Ham
  • The Group Executive Nomination Committee shall consider and nominate candidates who possess the professional qualities, capacity, and qualifications prescribed under relevant laws and internal regulations and approve the management succession plan every year in order to ensure the continuity of major affiliated companies and the stability of their management succession

Sustainable Management Committee

  • Chairman : Jae-sool Lee
  • Members : Sook-yeon Won,Shim Yoon,Jae-min Lee,Seung-lyul Lee
  • Deliberation and resolution of policies for responding to climate change and creating social value

Consumer Risk Management Committee

  • Chairman :
  • Members : Dong-moon Park,Kang-won Lee,June-suh Yi,Yung-sup Joo,Seong-muk Kang
  • In recognition of the necessity to shift our awareness to a consumer-oriented risk management system, establishing anticipative and proactive group consumer risk management policies and systems