"Happy Finance" Pursued by Hana Financial Group

The purpose of life is happiness. The ultimate goal of finance is to help people live happy, prosperous lives.
Therefore, "happy finance" is the ultimate purpose and highest value of Hana Financial Group.

  • Happy finance makes employees happier!
  • Happy finance makes customers happier!
  • Happy finance makes our society happier!

Finance that brings happiness to all employees, customers, and society
as a whole Finance that grows together with customers and shares,
in their happiness Hana Financial Group presents a new paradigm for "happy finance"

Hana Financial Group is following three principles to achieve "happy finance"

  • 1Competing through Happiness

    Competing with other financial institutions by putting the happiness of our customers ahead of size and numbers

  • 2Growing Together through Happiness

    Expanding into new channels, new markets, and new areas of work through competition while growing together with customers, employees, shareholders, and society as a whole

  • 3Sharing through Happiness

    Sharing the "rewards of happiness" and bringing balance to society by sharing happiness